HCG Exercises


4 Exercises Which Increase Impact of HCG Protocol

It’s not a requirement to be on an exercise regimen while you’re on the HCG diet protocol, but this is an addition you can make to your method that can improve results to be sure. The original protocol as laid out by Dr. Simeons does not permit any exercise during Phase 2 of the diet. […]


When Exercise On the HCG Diet is Permitted

The HCG diet originally, at least as designed by Dr. Simeons, does not allow exercise during phase two. The logic was that exercise could complicate the person’s metabolic response, and actually cause a slowdown in weight loss. This is a result of the decreased calories on the diet, as 500 calories is very low if […]

Abdominal Crunches for Dieting

Exercises Permitted on HCG Modern Protocol

Many people have probably heard that the HCG diet doesn’t allow for exercise.  This is true on the original protocol as developed by Dr. Simeons.  If a person exercised on only 500 calories per day, it was thought that their metabolism may shut down regardless of the help HCG is able to provide.  As a […]

Exercises for HCG Drops Diet

Yoga Exercises for the HCG Diet

We all wish it was just a simple matter of taking a pill and our weight would just disappear. Even with a highly effective treatment like the HCG diet, however, this just simply isn’t the case.  We recommend a variety of exercises as part of the HCG diet (at least on the modern approach) that […]