Author Archives: admin

Power Through Phase One With These Simple Steps

Many new users mistakenly take phase one of the diet for granted, believing it to be an unimportant step in the process. Oftentimes customers tell us that they skip this phase entirely, believing that they don’t need to load for the 2 to 3 days to start, or that “it’s not worth the calories”. This […]


Selecting Between the Modern HCG Diet and Dr. Simeons’ Plan

Many of our customers inquire about the differences between Dr. Simeons original 500 calorie per day diet and what we describe as the more modern approach in our Quick Start Guide. There are some major differences which we will discuss here, but primarily this post will focus on selecting between the two and which is […]

Breaking Through Plateaus

Plateau Busting Methods for Phase Two – What Happens if You Stall?

Many people love the HCG diet because, as many customers have pointed out to us over the years, it helps them to control their appetite and keep their metabolism high. Often customers tell us that they are struggling to even eat their 500 calories per day (or 700 calories per day on the modern approach) […]

Lean Steak on HCG Diet

The Modern OWL Approach and How It Differs From The Original Method

Many people are familiar with Dr. Simeons original HCG diet protocol, and its 500 calorie per day phase two requirements. Along with this were other requirements such as specific foods to eat (not a particularly long list) as well as prohibitions against exercise on the diet. Over the years, this has proven to be a […]

Suggested Foods

The Long Term Impact of the HCG Diet – After Phase Two

The HCG diet may be one of the best weight loss treatments in the world, but not all products are created equal. There are many homeopathic and hormone free products out there, and our customers constantly report the trouble they experience when trying to lose weight with these fake products. Homeopathic is just a term […]

Successful Health Starts at Home

Dosage Selection, Modification and How to Avoid Stalls in Phase Two

It’s true that how much HCG you take greatly impacts your weight loss on the protocol, up to a point. Many of our customers have expressed concerns over the years that they may not be receiving enough HCG, or if they begin to stumble on the diet late into phase two, if they need to […]

Fruit Meal Replacement

Protein or Meal Replacement Shakes – The Skinny on Using These In Phase Two

Many of our customers ask us about the use of meal replacement shakes, as part of the HCG diet.  It’s a popular area of interest with this protocol, since so many people want more variety in their diet than is typically offered from the fish/chicken or lean beef requirements in phase two.  The simple answer […]

Battling Temptations in Phase Two – On The Protocol

Starting any weight loss program is a long road.  You have to consider a multitude of things whenever you decide to lose weight, including your body, your diet and how much you exercise.  If you start down a road of traditional diet methods, such as exercise or cutting calories, you will often encounter many obstacles […]

Phase Two Choices

Answering a Popular Question – What Foods are Permitted in Phase Two?

One of the most popular questions customer ask is is in reference to what foods are permitted in phase two, often asking for explicit guidance.  We do outline guidelines in our Quick Start Guides and recipe guides, but many times people wonder about more exotic vegetables, fruits or want a complete list.  We don’t supply […]

Support from Us

Difficulties Maintaining Weight Loss Even With HCG – Temptations

Many people will face a tremendously long road when they try to lose weight and keep it off.  There are many things that will ultimately impact your success or failure, whether they’re your own body’s metabolism, your diet, or your exercise routines.  If you are trying just to diet and exercise more, studies clearly show […]