
Why Is HCG the Most Prescribed Obesity Treatment Today?

Many people are trying to lose weight, and many people go to their doctors to help them do so. This is understandable, as physicians are highly qualified generally in weight loss techniques. Many keep up to date on the latest research and are well informed about what methods work and which do not work so […]

Making the Impossible Possible

Keeping Your Ultimate Goals in Sight – How to Feel Good Looking in The Mirror

The difficult of any weight loss method is that you have to keep your long-term goals where they belong, as a motivating factor, and not think about them day to day.  Yes, you may be aiming to lose 20 or 30 pounds total, which is easily possible with HCG plus drops, but it’s not going […]

Bottle of HCG

What’s Different Between HCG Drops and Injections?

Many people ask us, why should we do drops instead of injections?  We don’t advise people to do one or the other necessarily.  This is entirely up to the individual, their goals, and how much they can afford to spend on the program.  Injections need to be taken every day, but they require fewer dosages […]

Homemade Grissini Breadsticks

Grissini and Melba Toast During Phase Two

Many people who are beginning phase two have questions regarding their diet and what they can eat.  We supply full guides and information along with all orders, however, the point remains that they need more information to proceed as they expect and achieve the results they’re hoping for.  During phase two you are eating two […]

Abdominal Crunches for Dieting

Exercises Permitted on HCG Modern Protocol

Many people have probably heard that the HCG diet doesn’t allow for exercise.  This is true on the original protocol as developed by Dr. Simeons.  If a person exercised on only 500 calories per day, it was thought that their metabolism may shut down regardless of the help HCG is able to provide.  As a […]

The OWL HCG diet

The Modern OWL HCG Diet Protocol – Ease in Results

The HCG diet program has historically been broken down into three distinct phases, each with their own goal.  Phase one is centered around loading or “gorging”, when a person takes in foods high in fat and low in carbs as they start the diet.  This period lasts 2 to 3 days and is important for […]

The Three Phase HCG Diet

Breakdown of the Three Phase HCG Diet Protocol

The HCG diet program is without a doubt the most effective weight loss treatment in the world. Decades of research has been spent to find out the best methods for weight loss success. Many people don’t realize that there has been a lot of research that went into making the protocol originally. Dr. Simeons conducted […]

Weight Loss HCG Plus

Why HCG Plus Drops Are Superior To Fake Homeopathics

Many of our customers have asked us how our product is so different from the thousands of others out there.  The ways in which its different are significant.  HCG Plus is not really similar whatsoever to many of these homeopathic or hormone-free products out there.  HCG Plus is real HCG, it contains significant levels of […]

Exercises for HCG Drops Diet

Yoga Exercises for the HCG Diet

We all wish it was just a simple matter of taking a pill and our weight would just disappear. Even with a highly effective treatment like the HCG diet, however, this just simply isn’t the case.  We recommend a variety of exercises as part of the HCG diet (at least on the modern approach) that […]

Fruit Days on the HCG Diet

Plateau Busting Fruit Days – Which Methods Are Permitted

For millions of people, losing weight is not something they can achieve on their own. Often any attempts to do so will result in failure and rapid abandonment as results are never too good and rarely achieve the levels people ultimately want. This is why so many people choose medically proven treatments like the HCG […]